22 and 23 October 2021

Sino-UK workshop on New Materials and Technologies in Water Treatment and Sludge Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal

Biomass-Recycling Conference pic12

The UK-China Biomass-Recycling Workshop on waste water treatment and solid waste utilisation aims to establish new and sustained links between early career researchers (ECRs) from both countries. As both countries have ambitious targets to solve environmental problems related to solid waste and waste water. Developing sustainable and economic feasible.

In the UK, solid waste including waste plastics and biomass waste require urgent advanced Biomass-recycling and management for a sustainable and efficient future development. For example, the UK Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) Report 2050 Pathways Analysis highlighted biomass as a key renewable feedstock to combat climate change.

In China, the partner country, clean water supply if essential for the huge population. Therefore, the workshop will have environmental, economic and societal benefit for both countries in developing a clean and sustainable future in relation to clean water supply and sustainable use of raw materials.

The objectives of the Biomass-Recycling Workshop are:

Objective 1

To create a sustainable platform for ECRs in the area of advanced and efficient management of solid wastes and waste water processing.

Objective 2

To exchange knowledge and identify research gaps in the Biomass-Recycling area.

Objective 3

To develop new ideas and find solutions to the current challenges in the area.

Objective 4

To develop a plan for long term mentoring of the ECRs.

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Biomass Home Img 2

These objectives will be achieved in the aspects of project organisation, programme planning, and planning for long-term collaborations.

Step 1

First, through proactively identifying suitable ECRs who have made good progresses in the development of processing of waste water and solid wastes. Effective communication with the ECRs will ensure their needs are fully considered prior to the workshop.

Step 2

Second, extensive areas for advanced thermal chemical processing of biomass waste, municipal solid waste, waste plastics, membrane processing of waste water, management of waste water treatment, system and process control and chemical looping reforming etc. will be covered to ensure these topics are of interest to the ECRs

Step 3

Last, internationally recognized academics will be selected as the mentors. Early communication between mentors and the ECRs will be encouraged, and will ensure the mentoring is sustained after the workshop through collaborations and future funding applications.